News in Brief

News in Brief


20 June 2021

Steamships Trading Company has announced a new agreement with Emstret Space, a locally owned hub for SMEs that plays a vital role in influencing the growth and development of many SMEs around PNG. Under the agreement, Steamships will provide heavily subsidized transport and logistics services to Emstret through its subsidiaries East West Transport and Consort Express Lines.

SMEs within Emstret’s Shopsmart online marketplace will have the opportunity to transport goods and equipment all over PNG through Steamships’ trucking and shipping network, reaching a wider market. “E-Commerce is an exciting new initiative for SMEs in PNG, providing a much larger marketplace.” says Alfred Weston, Business Development Manager at Steamships, “However, it also presents a much larger logistics challenge to move goods between sellers and buyers.

This is one area where Steamships’ can offer support”. Emstret Founder and Director, Vani Nades says, “The aim of Emstret Space is to create an inclusive ecosystem for entrepreneurs, allowing them to connect, collaborate and grow. Whilst the pandemic had many negative effects, it also challenged communities like ours to think outside the box. Shopsmart PNG is the future of e-commerce in Papua New Guinea and will ensure that SMEs continue to grow during these trying times” she added. “The future is promising because of this partnership with Steamships Trading Company, our vendors will be at ease knowing that their products will reach its destination through Steamships’ extensive logistics network”.

Steamships supports Caritas technical School Nutrition Program

03 June 2021

Steamships and Goodman Fielder have come on board to support Caritas Technical College’s Nutrition Program.

The current pandemic and its engulfing effect have not spared schools in Papua New Guinea including Caritas Technical School.

One assessment and survey conducted by the National Department of Education, Save the Children and UNICEF have highlighted the adverse effect Covid has had on education and schools in the country.

According to Sr Mazarrello, the school’s Director, the Nutrition Program was on the verge of closing because of covid. “The National School Health Policy of 2015” encourages good nutrition in schools. We are determined to provide quality education and good nutrition to enable the students to perform better in school. We are grateful of the support from steamships and Goodman Fielder”.

Steamships and Goodman Fielder were invited to the school on Thursday 3rd June to announce the partnership in front of teachers and the students.

Steamships Corporate Affairs General Manager David Toua said that good nutrition throughout life played a significant role and promoted a healthy outcome for growth and development for young people in education.

“We congratulate Cartias Technical College and thank Steamships for this program and the opportunity to partner.  In addition to the nutritional support, we are also providing work experience opportunities for five students to help prepare them for when they get out in the workforce after their studies.  Assisting the students and the school communities during the pandemic is important,” said Anell Ovia, Goodman Fielder’s Human Resource Manager.

Sister Mazarello hopes that the Nutrition Program will assist parents as well as students in the school.

Steamships accords the MD Excellence award to a graduate architect.

11 February 2021

The 2020 Steamships Managing Director’s Award for Excellence has been given to Vanessa Kagena, a Graduate Architect with Pacific Palms Property (PPP). Joining PPP in 2019, straight out of university, Vanessa has built up an impressive resume of achievements in a very short space of time. Vanessa oversaw the design process for the Harbourside shade, deck and pirate ship that helped transform the precinct and assisted with the refurbished new look for the Beachside food and beverage outlets at Ela Beach Hotel, creating a significant prospect for the city. More importantly Vanessa has taken a lead role in the exterior design of the rehabilitation of Burns House into @345 with her impressive images and perspectives formally depicted in a Steamships/PPP advertisement in the newspaper in November. Board and senior management presentations, both internal and external have utilized here work-designs for development projects as well. Vanessa’s work has meant that Steamships has avoided expensive external architectural fees and proven that not only do we have strong design capabilities in the country, but also, we have an extremely capable female Papua New Guinean with a huge amount of potential working for Steamships. Vanessa’s design skills and hardworking ethic have made her stand out as a star who performs excellently and has a huge amount of potential. She has seamlessly stepped up to manage the ongoing development projects while some key project managers are out of country, further highlighting that she has many strings to her bow. This prestigious employee award serves to recognize employees performing exceptionally beyond their duties and responsibilities to improve the results and reputation of our business and workforce. Vanessa is the second recipient of the award in Steamships; the first being Ms. Alma-Jean Urakowi in 2019 Joint Venture Port Services.

Mortlock Island receives support from Steamships Community Grants Programme

16 June 2020

Mortlock, an atoll island located 250 km north east of Kieta and inhabited by more than 600 people, has received funding from the Steamships Community Grants Programme.
Engulfed with issues of rising sea level and relocation, the islanders are not sitting around waiting to be noticed.
Supported by the Steamships Community Grants Programme, Mortlock Islanders will soon be constructing their aid post after 15 years.
The Mortlock Takuu Island Climate Change Association (MTICCA) President, David Marena was excited to hear that their project application was successful.
The Aid Post which will be built at a cost of K110, 000 will service the islands more than 600 population.
According to David Marena, materials were purchased in Rabaul and then shipped to Kuta wharf on Buka awaiting their final destination to Mortlock Island. Much of the work was delayed due to the current pandemic experienced by the world and completion is expected before the end of the year.

“I’m grateful to the Steamships Community Grants Programme for providing an opportunity for us to improve our health services on the island. After almost 15 years we are on our way to building our aid post,” remarked David.
The Steamships Community Grants Programme considers applications from Papua New Guinean registered charities to fund community based initiatives focusing on health, education and social welfare.
The programme has impacted communities in many ways by improving access to early learning, access to clean water and sanitation, providing teaching materials and training, creating training for health based community workers as well as providing facilities.

According to David Marena, “we have had various support from aid agencies in the past to build community infrastructures such as classrooms, teacher’s accommodation and a library. The island at most times remains completely cut off from Bougainville, the country and the rest of the world due to poor communication infrastructures and lack of efficient sea transport available.”

A properly functioning aid post building is very crucial and important to service the community. The island has been without an aid post for more than a decade, since it was hit by king tides in 2010.
“One of the primary purposes of the Community Grants Programme is to identify projects and initiatives that will bring positive change and benefit to Papua New Guineans. It’s great that Steamships has this opportunity to support MTICCA NGO to deliver a service that aims at improving health services on a remote island community.”, remarked David Toua, Steamships General Manager for Corporate Affairs.

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