Q: How do I know if any of Steamships businesses is looking for staff?
a Answer: Jobs are usually advertised locally.
Q: What positions are generally available?
Answer: We advertise for full time positions as well as for graduate trainees through our Graduate Training Program. See "Graduate Program" page for more information.
Q: How do I apply to work at Steamships or any of its businesses?
Answer: Each of Steamships' businesses handles its own recruitment. See “Join us” page for contact details.
Q: Can I ask about a job even if one is not advertised?
Answer: Yes – we welcome approaches from people who think they have something to offer. Contact the part of the company that interests you with details of your skills and experience. See “Join us” page for contact details.
Q: Where will I be working if I join the company?
Answer: Most positions are based in Port Moresby and Lae. However, we do have operations in Goroka, Mt Hagen, Madang, Popondetta, Kimbe, Rabaul, Kavieng and Buka.