News in Brief

News in Brief

Steamies takes part in PwC Corporate Challenge

16 October 2023

On Sunday 15 October, 6 teams from Steamships participated in the PwC Corporate Challenge running, walking and jogging 5km raising over K145,000 for Life PNG Care, iCare4U PNG, Sir Buri Kidu Heart Institude, Ginigoada Foundation and the WeCareFoundation.

Congratulations to Team Avengers for winning the Most Creative Team category!

Sefti lo Steamships em blo yumi. Safety at Steamships is Everyone’s Responsibility.

01 September 2023

On Friday 1st September, Steamships Group held the 2023 Steamships Safety Day Forum at the Gateway Hotel on Friday, 1st of September 2023. The forum celebrated the event centered around the theme: Leveraging International Standards to Improve Safety Performance. Participants included executive management, key operational and health & safety personnel from Steamships Business divisions.

We had the pleasure of hosting guest speakers: Fabien Segura - HSSE Director at TotalEnergies, Caroline Henderson - HSE Manager at ExxonMobil , Ian Offland - Safety Coordinator at John Swire & Sons Group of companies and David Hurst – Enterprise Account Manager at PAN Software, share their knowledge and experience with our teams. This was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Peter Aitsi, Steamships Board of Director. Several ideas were deliberated, and learnings were shared from the different operating companies particularly with leadership and culture and how this is demonstrated clearly through implementation of international standards such as One-MAESTRO (Management and Expectation Standards Towards Robust Operations), OIMS (Operations Integrity Management System), ISM Code (International Safety Management), HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) and ISO standards.

The afternoon session consisted of workshops whereby representatives from Joint Venture Port Services, Consort Express Lines and Pacific Palms Property presented on risks specific to their operations and the tools used to minimize those risks.

Steamships Managing Director, Rupert Bray, closed the commemoration presenting emphasis to participants to be genuinely “curious”, yet confident to challenge authority and apply a STOP WORK approach when they deem an unsafe work environment.

“It is through this approach that we cultivate a culture that enables everyone to participate in continuously improving safety performance throughout Steamships.”



The 1 Million Trees Campaign

13 June 2023

To celebrate World Environment Day 2023, we joined hands with National Capital District Commission, on Monday 5th June for the 1 Million Trees Campaign. PacificPalms Property, led this program and helped plant trees at the Sana Peace Park with our staff. This initaitve aims at contributing towards the city-wide goal of #1MillionTrees. This year’s theme looks at home solutions to plastic pollution under the #BEATPLASTICPOLLUTION campaign. 

Steamships is committed to supporting sustainable development within Papua New Guinea. As we take steps to improve the sustainability of our own operations, we are also delighted to support environmental awareness and activity programmes in our community to mark environment week.

Celebrating our Women In Maritime

19 May 2023

Celebrating our incredible team of women at Pacific Towing Marine Services yesterday as part of International Women in Maritime Day.

PacTow have implemented several initiatives to empower and grow their female seafarers, with pay parity being one of their key achievements. PacTow GM Neil Papenfus aims to one day achieve the goal of have an all-female crewed (and captained) tug operating out of the business' base and HQ.

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