L.M. Bromley

Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee since July 2021
Member of the Strategic Planning Committee since July 2021
Member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee since July 2021
Director since 2019
A Papua New Guinean citizen, Ms Bromley has been a Senior Executive of the Bromley Group of Companies for over 12 years. She is currently a Director of the Bromley Group’s various commercial operating Companies some of which include Heli Niugini Ltd, Maps Tuna Ltd and Western Drilling Ltd in Papua New Guinea, PT Sayap Garuda Indah and PT Air Bali in Indonesia, Allway Logistics Limited and Merit Logistic Services Limited in Hong Kong, Aerolift (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. in Singapore and AAB Holdings Pty Ltd Group of Companies in Australia and is responsible for the aviation operation, logistic support and group- investment functions. She is the Managing Director of Merit Finance Limited which serves as the Bromley Group’s treasury arm. Ms Bromley also consults on the Bromley Group’s property development and property management Companies through advisory roles in Papua New Guinea and Australia. She is a Director of Viva No 31 Ltd, a Steamships Trading Company joint venture Company, and has previously held positions on the Divisional Boards of EastWest Transport and Steamships shipping. Ms Bromley holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Laws.